Interesting Sites
PLEASE NOTE: These are external links, and the rights belong to respective owners
- TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design)
(Video Clips of TED movers & shakers presenting at TED Annual Conferences--"Ideas Worth Spreading")
- DFilm Moviemaker
(make a personalized animated movie & send to someone)
- Merriam Webster Online Dictionary and Thesaurus
(not sexy, but very useful)
- Online Conversion of Any Measurement
(again--not sexy, but very useful)
(Superimpose yourself into pictures!)
- How Stuff Works
("I didn't know that!!!")
(Website recommendations from "Stumblers"--some pretty good stuff here)
- Elf Yourself
(You & some friends superimpose yourself as elfs dancing-Christmas-time only)
- Create a Band
(generally fun, but short-term fun)